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Running Athletic Women

Positive Intelligence Brain Training

You workout your body to improve how your body responds, right? Have you considered doing the same thing to your brain? How much better could your life be if your brain had the training to respond to things more positively? How much more could you accomplish if you had the skills to overcome self-sabotage, improve your wellbeing and strengthen your relationships? 


This 6-week group Positive Intelligence course uses a phone app to do tiny, 2-minute meditations that, over several weeks changes your brain neurons to use more of your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain that creates a happy, sage response. Each week you check in with the group and share your experiences and revelations, learning from each other, along with weekly videos and the Positive Intelligence audio book with tools and techniques to apply to your own life. 


Those who have leaned in and done the work have experienced profound changes, in ways that affect every part of their lives. My clients, months later, have improved the way they have tough conversations. They have the ability to set better boundaries. They are identifying ways that they are growing and celebrating their success. 


Are you ready to change your life for the better? Come join us

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Are you wanting to accomplish something big? How helpful would it be to have improved performance?

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How would you feel if you were happier, felt better and were able to better manage the stress of everyday life? 

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The most important part of our life is our relationships. How would improving your relationships with your partner, your family and your work change your life?

Kellie, MI

"I just recently went through the Positive Intelligence group program she led. It sounds trite to say it was life-changing, but that’s exactly what it teaches you to do. In small increments, practicing, just like you would build up a muscle, you strengthen your ability to use the thoughts in your head to positively change your actions."

Suzanne, WA

"What an incredible experience! I completed a 6-week PQ Workshop with Liz facilitating a small group to learn about PQ and how to apply it in our daily life. It was a wonderful support to me through a 6-week recovery from a total knee joint replacement that was very painful. The PQ Workshop really helped me stay on track with my goals and not be sabotaged."

Jill, WA

"I did a 6-week Positive Intelligence course with Liz and it taught me new ways of thinking about myself and others. She shared some of her own experiences with the program, which helped build cohesion within the group. She's a calm and thoughtful facilitator and someone I can open up to and trust.

Read more about Positive Intelligence

Check out the Positive Intelligence website for more information, testimonials and to learn more about the program.

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